Fabric Care

We at Yellow Rabbit are strong advocates of anything natural. Since these are the primary years for your precious little one, we recommend you take the time out to maintain and care for the clothing your little one is normally surrounded with. 


Consider washing with Soap nuts / Soap berries easily available at your local grocers or online.


Also consider using a natural softener. We recommend mixing up Epsom salts and your favorite essential oils (a kilogram of salt and 20 -30 drops of essential oil); store it in an airtight container and use two teaspoons or a little more for every load. The smell might be strong in the jar but won’t be as strong on the fabric. It might not give the same great result as a chemical softener but it definitely helps to settle with natural ingredients!  

These are suggestions picked from some of the things we have tried on our kids clothing and liked the results. But if you have something interesting to tell us please feel free to talk to us on hello@shopyellowrabbit.com.